Offsite File Storage is a Green Idea

Everyone is looking for a better way to do business, save money and be ‘green’ to help save the planet.  Not many have started looking at their existing storage room of archives as a way to meet all of the above business goals. I’m talking about companies that must maintain the physical copy of a …

The REAL cost of Lost Documents

Document management is one area of business that is often overlooked.  That is, of course, until the first time that an important document goes missing.  Lost documents can cause problems including poor customer service, inefficient operation, and legal penalties. The best way to avoid disorganization is by to ensure that you’ve taken some simple steps …

How to Switch Records Management and Storage Vendors

There are two questions that I get when I speak with someone and discuss the services that Shoreline offers, and I think it’s best to put this out there so that everyone considering Shoreline can know right from the beginning. The two comments are: “I already use XYZ Company for File Storage. Is it going …